Nothing about KOPPS is ever delicate, and their new EP is filled with attitude. They've never shied away from hard topics, from consumerism to plastic surgery, there is no subject that they can't turn into a dance-floor anthem. It's tongue-in-cheek, but it's also essential, I feel like even in the indie-pop level, artists often stick to more comfortable topics. That's what makes them truly unique, not just their knack for earwormy choruses and stellar dance moves (I can't wait to see them live again) but that fearlessness to delve into the darker subjects in society.
VIP - This intro is made for a montage of club scenes, wearing your hottest outfit and feeling like Paris Hilton in the 2000s, the perfect intro for the EP. It's a little destructive, a little distorted, but setting you up for the colorful, outlandish project. It's almost an immersive experience.
Virtual Reality - Bringing us video game sounds with disco beats. "Wake up alone, reach for my phone, no dial tone, I start to roam; I dig so deep, get you in front of me, your two dimensions are three, in virtual reality." - This sums up all of our dating expectations from wanting someone to be like their Instagram feed then being let down when they don't live up.
OH DANG DANG - Ahh consumerism, you can't go on your phone without getting a billion ads specifically targeted to things you like, and even without them, you're surrounded by selling all the time. Truly, KOPPS put a perfect dance-pop spin on the topic, but it feels a little darker. It's got this looming presence of the capitalism giant.
Horses ( feat Big Arby) - Oh, I love a Western theme, this is a real power song, a little funny, but that beat is just unstoppable. This is like what I want to hear at a western strip club, and I mean that in the best way possible. What's not to love about horses?
U.G.L.Y. - KOPPS know how to make satire into pop, and it's genuinely so underrated how smart they are with it. The song talks about the manufactured beauty that seems to pop up all over Instagram, making your imperfections into a song you can dance to is 2020 at its finest. I feel like
Get Juicy - This song oozes sexuality from the music to the lyrics. We live for making an overtly sexual song filled with fruit metaphors. It's fun and fresh and perfect for dancing to and inspires confidence to be more open about being sexual after all this is 2020; no one should be ashamed of their sexuality. KOPPS isn't here for that.