New Music Sunday: February 28th 2021

emilytreadgold #1, New 9 Tracks

Amber Ais dropped one of the most relatable songs that we all needed. It's about not comparing yourself and that moment when you think an ex is thriving without you.

She says, "Your mid-twenties are weird because you feel like you should be doing more with your life and that if you're not successful right out of college then you are a nobody and inadequate. Comparison is honestly the thief of joy, but everyone is where they're at in life for a reason."

DASHA's heartbreaking new song will make you feel like you have the birthday blues.

She says, "I feel like birthdays are... an excuse to put a messy history in the past and show that you’re still thinking about them. In “21st Birthday”, the one person in the entire world I wanted to reach out to me, never called. You could be in a crowded room full of people who love you, but still feel so alone if just that one person you wish was around isn’t there."

We heard that Jade Bird's new song "Open up the Heavens" was written and recorded in just two days. Knowing Jade Bird, that truly doesn't surprise us at all. Her gorgeous voice shifts between her signature growl and a soft angelic tone. You can feel the passion in this song. Absolutely stunning.
Ellie Mae's dreamy, haunting voice really pulls this song together. It's so hypnotic and it just feels like you're in a trance. It's a slow build but so worth it. The delicate instrumentation, the repetition of "It's not our time," it feels like a scene in a movie.

Kitten always, always delivers. They've really honed-in on their sound. Chloe's whispery vocals and the build-up to the shimmering chorus, just perfection.

Chloe says, "Everyone on the KITTEN team had their head in the game and gave it their all on 'American Football'. Dave wrote a killer hook over my guitar chords, and Parker brought it home with some amazing production. If there is ever a rock-n-roll Super Bowl, I think KITTEN will win."
