Jamie Hannah has the most ethereal sound, it's just so dreamy and light. His song "Magic" is about manifesting positive thinking and it's exactly what we need right now. It's something he shared with his neighbors in a sweet quarantine balcony performance. That's what we love about Jamie, he's always trying to share the lightness. We talked to him about the song and how we can stay positive.
Jamie! How did you get started in music?
Jamie: Music has always been integral in my life. According to my parents, when I was child we used to all play hide and seek and they could always find me, because I used to sing while I was hiding... clearly hide and seek was never my forte. I started singing properly when I went to school and got a professional teacher. At the age of 18, I started studying at the Royal College of Music as a countertenor. This has moulded my craft from a classical perspective, establishing a foundation I can utilize across genres.
Tell me about your song “Magic” - what’s the story behind it?
Jamie: My new single "Magic" focuses on the power of positive thinking. Sometimes life can be challenging, life can throw you curveballs. We have the power to alter our perceptions, by acknowledging our weaknesses and striving to make them strengths. This is what the lyrics talk about - altering our perceptions to try and find a silver lining. It’s also about loving ourselves and trying to make something positive out of a bad situation; or in fact, something magical. This seems fitting to what we are confronted with today: life is harder right now, we are staying at home in lockdown but hopefully in this place we may have found some joy, some magic to keep our spirits high.
I love that you did a balcony performance! How did it feel to perform that way?
Jamie: Performing to my neighbors has been a surreal experience. There was such a feeling of community in the air, so many people were listening from their windows of our ten story apartment block, all clapping along, and requesting their favourite songs. The extraordinary way that music brings people together is the reason I do this and the reason I love doing this.
What has been inspiring you lately?
Jamie: It has been easier than ever to be inspired. All around us are inspiring people, our resilient spirit that keeps us going in these tough times. I’m inspired by our incredible NHS workers, who everyday work tirelessly to keep us safe and out of harm's way. That is my inspiration and thank them all. Thank you.
What’s your best piece of advice to your younger self?
Jamie: Love yourself, and be unapologetically authentic to who you are. Don’t let anyone get you down, because the best thing you can be, is yourself.