Sam DeRosa's sultry voice and a knack for smart lyrics and melodies that just get stuck in your head so easily. Her new song "321" is something we can all relate to. We talked to her about how to handle running into your ex and her new music.
How did you get started in music?
Sam: I think it was in my blood! My mom auditioned for my dad’s band when they were teenagers. They’ve been together since and ended up having many musical children and I was one of them! For as long as I can remember it’s been my life.
What was a major turning point in your career?
Sam: I would definitely have to say SONGLAND. Going on national television with a song that I planned to give away, and then having it be given back to me, launched my whole artist project. I even signed my record deal with Monument from that show.
I love your song “321” - can you tell me about the story behind it?
Sam: The story is about being at home, getting ready to go out with your friends, and finding out that your ex is going to be at the same place you’re going. I wanted to capture that rush of emotions that can pass through you and how that emotional spiral can happen. It’s a fun song and it’s also based on a true story!
I hate running into exes - what’s your best piece of advice for dealing with it?
Sam: My motto is to kill with kindness always. I would smile and nod, and keep walking!
What else has been inspiring you lately?
Sam: I have weirdly been getting inspiration from watching Netflix shows! Some of the dialogue is very inspiring, haha.
What has been the biggest challenge for you in your career?
Sam: Lately it’s a mix between staying inspired amidst the state of the world and living with some heavy imposter syndrome. I tend to compare myself a lot or think I’m not enough/not doing enough.
What keeps you motivated?
Sam: My family, for sure. Being away from them creates a huge spark for me to really give 110% until I can see them again.
What’s your best piece of advice for young women?
Sam: To take a lot of time getting to know yourself. I’m still learning that as well, but the more time I spend with myself and quiet the noise of the outside world/what everyone else is doing/social media/etc., the more I’m learning about me and how to love myself more.