Getting To Know JESSIKA

emilytreadgold #9, Features

JESSIKA is the epitome of powerhouse pop. Her album ‘World Ain’t Ready’ is one I’ve been playing on loop for months. I got to chat with her right before a trip to upstate New York and we discussed her inspirations, songs she’s most proud of and something even her fans may not have known about her.

If you need something to listen to before you get your Spotify Wrapped, she is it.

Which was your favorite or the track you were most proud of on the album? 

JESSIKA: I have to say Fuck Our Fears for sure. 

When you were creating your album, World Ain’t Ready, how did you curate the tracks you picked? 

JESSIKA: It was definitely hard. I had about 40 songs to choose from and it was quite difficult tot narrow down to the ones we chose. 

Growing up, who were some of your musical inspirations?

JESSIKA: I listened to a lot of jazz with my family growing up. So a mix of jazz, Ella Fitzgerald, Fleetwood Mac. 

Who are some of your current artist obsessions and/or inspirations?

JESSIKA: Lady Gaga and Lana Del Rey currently.

What is something that fans may not know about you?

JESSIKA: They may not know that I’m quiet shy. I actually used to drink to curb the social anxiety, but now am sober and have found ways to cope.

That’s incredible! Can you tell us about that?

JESSIKA: Yeah! I have started manifesting and affirmations and self talk.

I love all of that so much. And lastly, what is advice you would give your younger self? 

JESSIKA: I would say keep knocking on doors because eventually one opens. Persistence and staying focused and enjoy the journey. 

Keep up with JESSIKA on Spotify and Instagram.

Samantha Fong

"At 15 years old, I begged my mom to take me to Walmart to get Taylor Swift's debut deluxe album and I never turned back. This was my very first entry point to stan fandom. Growing up in Memphis, Tennessee I was exposed to a ton of music - from rapping 3 6 Mafia to bopping to Justin Timberlake's solo discography. Now, in LA have a day job working in nonprofit development, but by night, I'm a full-fledged fangirl. I'll listen to generally any genre, but I'm a sucker for a good pop song. If you ever need someone to scream sing Carly Rae Jepsen's E·MO·TION with, I'm your girl. No, I still have not gotten over the One Direction hiatus. Please continue to respect my privacy. Twitter : samfonggg, Instagram : samantha_fong"
