Michelle Kash Is Taking Over

emilytreadgold #1, Features

Michelle Kash has been climbing the Billboard Dance charts, she's definitely someone to keep an eye on, we talked to her about her creative process and what's coming next.

Tell me about your creative process? What gets you excited and how do you create your music?

Michelle Kash: All of my music comes from my personal experiences. I think that writing music has been a way for me to process my emotions and my relationships. I love creating with others. I think when collaborating it’s just a different energy, a different kind of experience. When I write, I write everything by hand. I doodle and write over the pages in this crazy way, a lyric here and there, a doodle, just zigzags. I don’t even know how a song comes out of there. I could look at the pages now and I am just fascinated and don’t even know what I’m looking at most of the time lol.

Tell me why you chose Depeche Mode's "Personal Jesus?"

Michelle Kash: Honestly, it just got in my head one day! It was just one of those things...It got in my head and I was just singing it, going about my day. But this went on for a couple of days. I thought it would be good in the live set. I reached out to Neil Rambaldi, we have been playing together for a couple of years, and I asked him what he thought for the lead guitar. He sent something over and I remember just playing it in my kitchen on repeat and I was open to just seeing what wanted to come out vocally. What you hear on the track is what I was singing that night in my kitchen which is pretty amazing to think about now that it’s on the Billboard chart.

How does it feel to see this track climb the Billboard Dance charts?

Michelle Kash: It feels incredible!!! It’s a dream come true. It has been such an amazing evolution to see what started as a song getting stuck in my head and to watch it grow from there. It’s wild. I’m incredibly grateful.

What are you most excited for about this year?

Michelle Kash: I am most excited about getting to perform “Personal Jesus” with dancers and to really celebrate the Billboard chart! There is so much to look forward to. I had been rehearsing the Joe Maz Mix with dancers and I felt like I was living out a dirty dancing fantasy lol. I can’t wait for us all to come out of quarantine SAFELY, take the stage, and just own it!

What's next?

Michelle Kash: We are in a new world now adapting and being the resilient humans that we are. It is a tough and frightening time. I just hope and pray that we are all safe, take it one day at a time, and know this is all temporary <3

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