New Music Sunday: February 14th 2021

emilytreadgold #1, New 9 Tracks

TALIA's dreamy voice and haunting melodies always stick with you. Her new song "HML" feels so effortless but still radiates a little hint of danger that we love.

She says, "The writing was all about conveying the game and thrill of pursuing a crush. I just wanted to toy with the idea of professing my feelings for someone in a playful and flirtatious way -- almost like a dare for them to hit my line and let me know if they feel the same way."

Dasha's punchy vocals and quick wit are on full display in her new song and we can't get enough of it.

She says, "'Shiny Things' is all about confidence in the person you’re with and within yourself. The "shiny things" are everything that other people have that you don’t. Instead of letting that lead to insecurities you gotta focus on all the shiny things that you have that others don’t."

Maude Latour never misses, her new song is about the beauty of love in all forms and it's absolute shimmering perfection.

She shared,"i was putting songs out about it heartbreak and then i realized it wasn’t how i felt anymore— instead of hurting about lost love i realized how much love there was around me already. i truly have soulmate best friends. this song is about the blurry line between friendship and romantic love. there is so much love around us, these platonic relationships that are literally more valuable and complex than romance."

Elizabeth Nistico is now under the moniker Revenge Wife and we couldn't be happier with her new direction. This song is so freeing and has this exuberant feeling to it. It's a declaration of independence. Her sweet vocals and killer production shine through and play off each other so well. We can't wait to see what's next!
