Revenge Wife On The History 0f Brat Pop, Reinvention, and Defying The Haters

emilytreadgold #2, Features

I am a huge fan of Revenge Wife, her music is always inventive and new, her inspirations are always niche and interesting, and her stage presence is unmatched. Her new song “Saying Nothing” feels so fresh, it’s intoxicating. We talked about brat pop, being fascinated by aging, and the double-edged sword of social media. Tell me about your new song …

Revenge Wife Knows How To Tell A Story

emilytreadgold #14, Features

After I heard Revenge Wife’s song “Earthquake” I was immediately hooked. The delicate vocals, the whimsical chorus, it all worked so perfectly together. The way she creates worlds with her songs and albums, the details that go into it, it’s all so carefully thought-out. Her live show has costumes and choreography, and her videos are intricate films that add to …

Revenge Wife Wrote The Background Songs For Your Boring Life

emilytreadgold #10, Features

I first heard Revenge Wife’s “Earthquake” on a virtual release party for Disco Shrine, it was the height of the pandemic, and I hadn’t been to a show in what felt like ages. As soon as I heard that song, I was hooked. Revenge Wife’s instantly catchy melodies and delicate vocals are entirely original. It’s like nothing else, and her …

New Music Sunday: February 14th 2021

emilytreadgold #1, New 9 Tracks

TALIA’s dreamy voice and haunting melodies always stick with you. Her new song “HML” feels so effortless but still radiates a little hint of danger that we love. She says, “The writing was all about conveying the game and thrill of pursuing a crush. I just wanted to toy with the idea of professing my feelings for someone in a …