We're obsessed with Olivia Grace and her haunting melodies and angelic voice. Her new song "Space" immediately hooks you, the hypnotic beats put you into a trance. It just radiates cool-girl energy. We talked to Olivia about the new song and how she's stayed motivated over the past year.
Tell me about your new song "Space" what's the story behind it?
Olivia: It's the lead single off my upcoming debut album, and it's also one of the earlier songs I wrote that'll be on it. I wrote this song at a time when I was tangled in a situation that left me feeling hurt more than it did happy. When I actually got honest with myself about what I wanted, I realized I no longer had the mental or emotional space for it. It was difficult to get there, but it was a freeing feeling once I did.
How did COVID affect your career?
Olivia: Right before the pandemic, I was on tour and had so many exciting plans in the works. It was jolting to have to stop, to feel the weight of the whole industry on hold. Eventually, I did start using the time to write A LOT. It was a catharsis for me. The songs on the upcoming album are all songs I wrote during this time. Really, the pandemic just made me have to switch gears and set new goals, to think creatively to get things done.
All of my new music has been made remotely, with amazing producers (Her Demons) who live in France that I've never actually met in person, while I recorded all my vocals from my tiny Los Angeles apartment. I never would've imagined creating this way, but the process was so special. I wouldn't change a thing about it.
How have you stayed motivated to create over this past year?
Olivia: So, in 2020 I became critically ill with Toxic Shock Syndrome, which led to multi-organ failure. Shortly after getting out of the hospital, I actually caught COVID and was re-hospitalized. It was about six months that I spent recovering either in the hospital or with my family on the east coast. When I got back to LA, all I could think about was making this album. I don't believe things happen for a reason. Shitty things sometimes just happen. But I kept trying to make meaning out of why it all happened. Making these songs, sharing them with the world gave me this sense of purpose at a time where I felt really lost. It gave me this revived focus.
What has been one of the biggest challenges for you lately?
Olivia: Being still. I'm constantly trying to find the balance between doing too much and feeling like I'm not doing enough while not creating that baseline off of what other people are doing—not comparing. I put a lot of pressure on myself to always be doing more, and I'm actively trying to learn that sometimes less is more. Giving yourself time to rest, to do things just because they're fun, etc.— it's a balancing act for me, for sure.
What else has been inspiring you lately?
Olivia: Good food, Bossa nova, candles, Paris, long drives, and adventures with friends.
What are you looking forward to this year?
Olivia: Finally performing in a real live venue again! I'm playing Grant Owens' We Found New Music showcase at Bar Lubitsch on October 14th at 7 pm. Completely free to those that RSVP. It's going to be so much fun.
What's your best piece of advice to your younger self?
Olivia: Really listen to yourself. The way something feels in your body. Identify what emotions come up and ask yourself questions as to why those emotions are there. Practice mindfulness, and trust the way you feel without needing others to validate it.