Ronnie Watts describes her music as "heartbreak, but make it pop music" and tbh that's my favorite kind of music. Her lyrics are vulnerable but all with these catchy melodies that almost make you feel better about the underlying sadness. We talked to her about the new music and what's been inspiring her lately.
How did you get started in music?
Ronnie: I’ve been doing music my whole life. Since I was a little kid, I’ve been writing and performing. My dad built a studio in our basement with a bunch of cool instruments. It was really amazing to grow up in that environment. It was super inspiring and definitely has helped lead me to where I am today.
Tell me about your song “Sad Summer” what’s the story behind it?
Ronnie: Sad Summer is a song about reflection. When I was writing it, I had different scenes in my head-- a grocery store, a rooftop… It was a weird summer with lots of emotions, and I wanted to write about something that started as innocent falling completely apart.
I love the video! How did the concept happen?
Ronnie: Thank you! Coronavirus inspired the music video for Sad Summer. Grocery stores are now a kind of scary, eerie place. The idea behind the video is that me and my friends turned our local grocery store into a fun party. It was a sad summer, but we’re making the best of the situation. We had the best time shooting it!
What has been keeping you motivated this year?
Ronnie: The future is what’s really keeping me motivated. I think it’s easy for anyone to get down right now, but we just have to remember that things will eventually go back to normal. Although touring is off the table for now, I still have a lot of more new music coming, and I’m so excited about that.
What has been the biggest challenge for you in the music industry?
Ronnie: A big part of the industry is who you know. Growing up, I didn’t have any connections, so it’s hard to know how to move up or where to turn. I had to build myself up and grow organic relationships through social media and taking every opportunity I could get my hands on. It’s hard work starting from the ground, but it’s made every success so much more rewarding.
What’s your best piece of advice for young women?
Ronnie: I know it’s cheesy, but have confidence! Even if you don’t feel confident, if you act like you are, you’ll attract so much more positivity into your life. Fake it till you make it. Act how you want to feel on the inside and eventually, you won’t have to act anymore.