Cloe Wilder Is Feeling “Homesick”

emilytreadgold #14, Features

Cloe Wilder shows talent beyond her years, her new song “Homesick” feels especially nostalgic. Her voice is effortless and graceful and the lyrics feel so wistful and honest. We caught up with Cloe to talk about the new song, what’s inspiring her lately, and what keeps her motivated. Tell me about your song “Homesick.” What’s the story behind it? Cloe …

Cloe Wilder: Call Me If You Need Me

emilytreadgold #2, Features

At such a young age, Chloe is extremely sure of herself and her lyrics show it. Hailing from Clearwater, Florida and making her way to Los Angeles, California, she’s created an indie-pop sound all her own. We got to talk to her about the inspiration behind some tracks and up upcoming EP, Teenage Lullabies.  Cloe, tell me about the track, …