Tayla Parx: I Want People To Feel Seen

emilytreadgold #14, Features

Tayla Parx has the most immaculate energy, both on stage and in her music. You can just tell she was made for this, her incredible vocals, her colorful melodies that spread over the audience. It’s almost impossible to not be infected by the sheer joy in the crowd. We talked to her about earning respect and what she wants her …

New Music Sunday: December 6th 2020

emilytreadgold #1, New 9 Tracks

VAVÁ’s poetic lyrics and effortless melodies are exactly what we need right now. She perfectly blends different genres into her own unique sound. She says, “A love song and compassionate plea to the wild part of myself that I tend to keep hidden, this song blatantly refers to sexual desire, and I am asking myself to come into my own …