Pablo The Don Is Taking Over The Music Industry

emilytreadgold #2, Features

Pablo The Don dominates our fyp and I wouldn’t have it any other way. They’ve carved out a space for Black and Queer voices on the app talking all things music and their new podcast The Back Catalog details the careers of musicians you need to know and the ones you already love. We talked to Pablo about the podcast, …

Why Can’t Tik Tok Women Be Taken Seriously In Music?

emilytreadgold #10, #4, Editorial

Okay, I think we’ve waited long enough for this, and that is my opinion on TikTok stars and their rise to the music scene. Before I begin, I want to deem the question – why are the women somehow the only ones facing backlash? Bryce Hall. Griffin Johnson. Tayler Holder. All males who have singles on Spotify, and yet somehow …

TELYKast on Tik Tok, EDM, And Current Inspirations

emilytreadgold #6, Features

Kyle Tonoli, Trevor Klaiman, Linus Altman-Kurosaki make up the EDM band, yes I said band, TELYKast. From our first meeting, I already knew this group wasn’t your typical EDM artist. The Los Angeles-based trio is not only unique in the sense they play their own instruments and perform their own songs, but everything about them is curated to their personalities …

Emily Vu: I Want To Be Different

emilytreadgold #5, Features

As one of the many millennials who joined TikTok during quarantine, I actually saw Emily’s videos on my for you page. I had no idea she was also singer-songwriter, but am so glad to have discovered her. In the mix of my favorite artists releasing new music, it’s been so refreshing to find other minority and female artists creating the …

Viral Sensation Surf Mesa

emilytreadgold #9, Features

If you’re like me and joined TikTok during this time of self-isolation, you’ve probably heard the clip “ily (i love you baby)” that many users have used. Aside from TikTok fame, Surf Mesa has a collection of hits. It was so exciting to get to talk to him about the reach his latest has gained as well as what is …