Austin City Limits 2016

emilytreadgold #6, Festivals

This year as I overcame my constant social anxiety and journeyed to ACL, I couldn’t help but feel….frustrated. I love a good festival, I really do. This year ACL’s lineup seemed highly done before. I’ve seen most of these bands a good 4 or 5 times this year (except you Radiohead). However, the weather was nice, I had applied 10 layers of sunblock and was ready to hit the crowds.

The Festival Rules You Need To Know

emilytreadgold Editorial, Festivals

I know every year people come out with festival tips but these are the only that are going to be honest. Nothing will ruin your festival experience faster than an bad outfit choice.

When shopping for festival outfits remember it’s going to be hot and you will be sweaty. Rompers are hard to go to the bathroom in. Short dresses can get weird if you like lounging on the ground a lot. Look for light, loose materials that breathe.