They Are whosah

emilytreadgold #1, Features

They are whosah, they wrote a song called “Make A Move”, and they want to play it for you. The men of whosah have a very focused and relatable slogan they live by: “We are a group of young men pursuing lives me love. Making friends and making music”. The Minneapolis five-piece band is a prime example of a DIY mentality in the current music scene. Self-managed, self-promoted, these guys are living their slogan out in the pursuit of their careers. As their tour continues on, we talk to the band. It is with pleasure we introduce to you, whosah.

Cub Sport Needs To Be On Your Radar

emilytreadgold #1, Features

Cub Sport is an Australian alt/pop band and they’ve gained a lot of traction recently. They toured with The 1975 on their Australian tour, their beautiful single “O Lord” gives you chills, and the love story between Tim Nelson and Sam Netterfield makes them a group that definitely needs to be on your radar.

Beyond The Sun Bring Back The Shuffle

emilytreadgold #1, Features

Think back to your first ipod/iphone. Think about all of your music you had and the times you would just hit shuffle to see what comes up. For a lot of us, this was how we developed our musical taste. We didn’t stick to one genre for an entire setting, hardly ever. Some of my fondest memories of high school were driving around blaring All Time Low, T-Pain, and Dashboard.