Aquilo, a musical duo hailing from Silverdale, Lancashire, consists of mates Tom Higham and Ben Fletcher. Their upcoming album, A Safe Place to Be was a work in progress over the last two years. Ben and Tom returned home to Silverdale from Los Angeles and discovered that embracing their roots was all the inspiration that they needed. Just before Christmas, …
New Music Sunday: Sunday August 21st 2021
CXLOE always adds the right dose of darkness to her music and her new song “Soft Rock” is exactly what we want from her. It feels like all your teen angst is perfectly packaged up. She shared, “This song is dedicated to my 15yr old self. Heartbroken, crying over an a$$hole, listening to Blink-182 thinking I was hard”Hyra and Calica …
Gabrielle Macafee Is Ready For The Apocalypse Rodeo
Gabrielle’s sweet voice and 80s tinged melodies are the perfect combo. Her song “Apocalypse Rodeo” has been on loop for us lately. It’s a little cheeky in the best way, but with darker undertones. We talked to her about the song, the inspo behind it, and the challenges she’s faced lately. How did you get started in music? Gabrielle: I …
Jazzie Is A Name You Need To Know
Jazzie is an LA-based indie-pop artist and the 26-year-old daughter of Jessie Colin Young, lead singer of The Youngbloods, known for their iconic 60’s anthem,” “Get Together.” She’s been writing music all of her life, but she just started releasing her own material last year. Jazzie wrote the entirety of this EP by herself, a few months into quarantine in …
New Music Sunday: August 15th 2021
Charlotte OC’s “Centre of the Universe” is a self-proclaimed love letter to narcissists and it’s everything we want and more. Her smoky vocals and effortlessly cool vibes that just radiate from this are exactly what we need sometimes. We need to feel like we’re the center of the universe occasionally.Jade Bird has such a delicate and ethereal voice and then …
Step Into Mia Madden’s Ethereal World
Mia Madden’s sound is so dreamy and ethereal it immediately struck me when I stumbled across her Tik Tok. Her whole aesthetic is laced in pastels but the lyrics have this darkness that surprises you, she isn’t afraid of being honest about her experiences. We talked to her about her new music, cultivating a signature sound, and how monogamy is …
Laundry Is The Dreamy New Band You Need To Know
Laundry is the new band we’re obsessed with, their ethereal vocals and haunting melodies build into little explosions and it feels so fresh. It’s so hypnotic with lyrics that hit hard. We talked to Laundry about their music scene, new music, and trying to stay positive in the pandemic. Tell me how you all met, what’s the origin story? Kiki: The …
ayokay’s “Better With You” Has A Heartfelt Message
Alex O’Neil, better known by his moniker ayokay, is beginning a newer chapter of his own music since his EP we come alive. His new album won’t be out until early next year. We caught up about his latest single, “Better With You,” which focuses on the protagonist creating blocks from having the life she deserves. What was the inspiration behind …
New Music Sunday: August 8th 2021
OSTON’s new EP is out and you can’t help but feel proud of her, this is her moment. She’s truly one of our top artists to watch this year and this EP is exactly what we all need, that shimmery pop perfection that feels so vulnerable. She shared a sweet thank you to her fans and her team saying, “thank …
Sedona Hits The Bullseye With Victorian-Inspired Video
While most of us were cooped up in our homes watching Netlfix and trying out fruitless hobbies over the last year, Sedona was hard at work. The last time spoke was in May 2020 before the release of the Soft Machine music video. In the last year, she has released one full-length album, five subsequent singles, and six more music …