Women In Music: Play Like A Girl

emilytreadgold #4, #5, Women In Music

We all know that LA has an incredible music scene, but asides from the huge acts that dominate the charts there’s a whole independent scene that has been a subject of fixation to me for quite a while. One group in particular, Play Like A Girl seems to be at the forefront of every cult-favorite band right now. The group puts on shows featuring female performers, but other than that they host workshops, run their own label, and promote the hell out of up and coming acts. I talked to founder Kimi Recor about the birth of the project and where she sees it heading.

New Music Alert: MILKK

emilytreadgold #5, Premiere

It’s early April and I am getting coffee with a friend of mine that is an artist here in Nashville. We chat about his solo shows, acts he is playing guitar for, and his recent child that was just born. About midway through our conversation, Pat Kiloran tells me about an idea that he and longtime friend Jack Vondrachek had been collaborating on.

New Music Alert: Vox Eagle

emilytreadgold #5, Premiere

You ever have those nights where you get on a music rabbit hole and it’s 2 A.M. and you are finding new bands you have never heard of? Well, in this case, that’s exactly how I came across Aussie-American electro-psych duo, Vox Eagle. Ironically enough their lead single, “No Sleep”, was the track I found. Consisting of members Andy Crosby and Luke Hamel, Vox Eagle uses experimental instrumentations combined with deep synths and driving beats for a sound that caught me off guard.