Ella On The Run Brings A Hint Of Darkness To Electro-Pop

emilytreadgold #1, Features

Stephanie Gautier, the woman behind the electro-pop sounds of Ella on the Run, has never wanted to do anything except music. She went to Berklee because that was the only thing she wanted to do. That’s where she studied music business and vocal performance. After school she went back to London and started working for labels, booking, and promotions but the performance bug never left her. She said her coworkers weren’t surprised.

The Transformative Power Of Kitten

emilytreadgold #6, Features

Chloe Chaidez is whispering to me the entire time we talk, she needs to save her voice for the show. She whispers, “My dad was a musician, he was a drummer so he introduced me to a lot of great bands. I was a gymnast so we’d have these long drives to my gym and he’d play records and it was something I really gravitated towards.”

How Frank Turner Stays Positive In A Negative World

emilytreadgold Features

Frank Turner’s sixth studio album, Positive Songs for Negative People, has a clever name, but it also perfectly conveys the singer’s life after leaving post-hardcore band Million Dead in 2005. Turner’s music has maintained the punk aesthetic but has picked up influences of English folk music. He said music is his “primary method of communication with the world and understanding.”

Wonderbitch Gets People Dancing and Gets People Laid

emilytreadgold #1, Features

“So i want you to imagine a beautiful nebulous starscape, close your eyes, you are far away in a galaxy and you are on a yacht but it’s not like a yacht in the ocean. It’s a space yacht. There’s all these space yacht things: space cocaine, space caterers and you’re sailing among the stars. That’s what we want to be,” that’s how Bruce describes the sound of Wonderbitch. Interstellar yacht rock.

Explosions Of Magic With Strangers You Know

emilytreadgold #1, #6, Features

Strangers You Know had a packed tent at Coachella, they brought out an orchestra to help them perform their hit “Used”, and after they danced around the stage and crowd-surfed, Adam looked at the audience and said “This has been a dream to be here, we don’t even know what to say,” and he meant it. Adam and Grady met at Coachella years earlier.

Charming Liars Talk About That 12:31 Feeling

emilytreadgold #4, Features

It’s a stormy night in St. Louis and I’m talking to Charming Liar’s lead-singer Kilian about Brazil, he loved it there. He says, “We went to Sao Paolo. It was beautiful we were there for two weeks and we definitely want to go back. A lot of our fans are international. It’s so cool how the music translates.” Charming Liars are a London to L.A. transplant band, but they just got back from touring Mexico and Brazil, an odd feat for a band on their level, but one that stands out because of that.

Transgressing Politics With Quiet Company

emilytreadgold #1, Features

Quiet Company is an Austin band that garnered a lot of national attention for their album We Are All Where We Belong. What grabbed my attention about them was their dynamic and intense live show, complete with crowd interaction and political rants. I talked to frontman Taylor Muse about their latest album Transgressor, competitive Austin bands, and why bands are scared to “go political”.

Asaf Avidan Is The Best Songwriter Of Our Time

emilytreadgold #5, Features

“Evening rises, darkness threatens to engulf us all, but there’s a moon above it’s shining and I think I hear a call, it’s just a whisper through the trees, my ears can hardly make it out, but I can hear it in my heart vibrating strong as if she shouts. Oh Ariadne, I’m coming I just need to work this maze inside my head, I came here like you asked, I killed the beast that part of me is dead. Oh Ariadne, I just need to work this maze inside my head, if only I had listened to you when you offered me that thread.”

Engulfed By The Darkness And Euphoria Of HÆLOS

emilytreadgold #8, Features

HÆLOS seem to have emerged out of thin air. The mysterious electronic band consisting of Lotti Benardout, Arthur Delaney, and Dom Goldsmith just released their album ‘Full Circle’ in March. Their music is cinematic and spacey, designed for how you feel after a long night. They wanted to capture the feeling of “treading the line between darkness and euphoria.” That’s exactly what it does, it completely engulfs you.