SG Lewis On Collabs And Coachella

emilytreadgold #2, Features

SG Lewis was one of the coolest people I met at Coachella last month. It could help that his name is also Sam, but his personality was just gravitating. You could tell that he just loved to have fun and wasn’t afraid to share his music with anyone. Seriously, he joked to Billboard last month about crashing parties with his …

Pop Music For Unpopular People: An Interview With Rilan

emilytreadgold #3, Features

Rilan is the anti-social socialite and dark pop star we’ve been waiting for, he’s not an influencer, he’s not here for the gram, he just wants to make edgy music that challenges the status quo. How did you get started in music? Rilan: Growing up in New Orleans it was a super musical artsy city in the middle of the …

Patrick Martin Is A Romantic

emilytreadgold #4, Features

Patrick Martin is a romantic at heart. His song “Cinema Love” is a gorgeous display of infatuation that shows off Patrick’s ability to tell stories in a way that sticks with you. We talked to Patrick about his origin story and new music. How did you get started in music?   I was first inspired by music when I saw my …

Put RØYLS On Your Radar

emilytreadgold #5, Features

RØYLS is a three-piece and they’re here to join the masses of boy bands making a comeback. Their debut single, “Savages” isn’t about the most uplifting topic but it’s definitely a bop. The 3 boys are no stranger to the industry. Liam Ross, Sean Killeen and Drew Dirksen all were in previous bands before forming this eclectic trio. We are …

Maude Latour: SUPERFRUIT

emilytreadgold #6, Features

In her latest single “Superfruit,” nineteen-year-old New York indie-pop artist Maude Latour explores the sweetness of young love along with the daunting nature of college and the life that comes with it. We talked to her about her new single, her homemade music video, New York, and finding real human connection in the age of Instagram. When did you start …

If You’re Lucky, You’ll Add Adam Craig To Your Playlists

emilytreadgold #2, Features

Adam Craig is one of the good guys you want to root for. Artists like Jason Aldean and Dustin Lynch have used many of his songs, but it wasn’t until group Parmalee recorded “Close Your Eyes” that Adam realized he could not only be a songwriter, but a front man and performing his own songs. “I went to shake hands …

Jake Miller Will Wait For You

emilytreadgold #7, Concert Reviews, Features

Last time we talked to Jake was nearly two years ago, which may not sound like long – but, in terms of his personal and musical growth, a lot has changed. Jake, now 26, produces his own music in addition to writing, has signed with RED Music/Sony Music and released his first major song in five years – Wait For …

IYVES Returns With Stunning New Song “Gold”

emilytreadgold #2, Features

IYVES just dropped her gorgeous new song “Gold” and her pop infused R&B sound has never been better. Her voice is drenched in honey over sparse instrumentals. Her moniker, is a nod to the ivy plant, known to grow in harsh environments, she wants her music to do the same, transcend above the norm. We talked to her about the …

Ignorance And Persistence And Willful Belligerence: An Interview With Emily Wells

emilytreadgold #5, Features

Emily Wells has the most poetic way of phrasing, her latest album, This World Is Too __ For You is an ambitious concept album about humanity. We talked to her about climate change, being a woman, and the book she’s been obsessed with recently. How did you get started in music? Emily: I got started in music by playing the violin …

FLAVIA Talks “Til I Die”

emilytreadgold #3, Features

It’s no secret that we’re obsessed with FLAVIA. Her song “Til I Die” is truly such a jam. We talked to the up-and-coming artist about the gorgeous and emotional video for the song, those Dua Lipa comparisons, and why it was so important for her to have all representations of love. “Til I Die” is so so catchy, what was …