Is There Anything Jenna Andrews Can’t Do?

emilytreadgold #5, #9, Features, Women In Music

Jenna Andrews is exactly who young women should look up to. She always had a passion for music and started writing songs at the age of 14. She dropped out of college and moved to Vancouver to pursue the dream, but it wasn’t fate that made her career; it was her unstoppable work ethic. She was discovered by Chris Smith, …

Lady Shot Callers Needs To Be Happening Everywhere

emilytreadgold #6, Women In Music

We love highlighting badass women in the entertainment industry. One of our favorites is Crowd Surf, they’re responsible for helping so many young artists break into the music industry. Crowd Surf was formed in 2007 by Cassie Petrey and Jade Driver and as the brains behind the operation, they’ve worked with the Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Max & Harvey, and some of our favorites Why Don’t We and Jena Rose.

Women In Music: Who Run The World

emilytreadgold #5, Women In Music

Who Run The World is London’s first promotions company exclusively showcasing women in music. They’re celebrating their second birthday on August 13th with a killer lineup featuring ARXX, Fightmilk, The Baby Seals, The Menstrual Cramps, and Suggested Friends. I talked to founder Beth White about the idea behind Who Run The World and why it’s necessary for women to support other women.

Women In Music: Play Like A Girl

emilytreadgold #4, #5, Women In Music

We all know that LA has an incredible music scene, but asides from the huge acts that dominate the charts there’s a whole independent scene that has been a subject of fixation to me for quite a while. One group in particular, Play Like A Girl seems to be at the forefront of every cult-favorite band right now. The group puts on shows featuring female performers, but other than that they host workshops, run their own label, and promote the hell out of up and coming acts. I talked to founder Kimi Recor about the birth of the project and where she sees it heading.