An Interview with Hannah Ewens: Author of Fangirls

emilytreadgold #2, Women In Music

Fangirls: Scenes from Modern Music Culture by Hannah Ewens really encapsulates everything we feel about fangirls in general. It’s about that pure love of an artist but also about the community and culture that surrounds the fandom. She covers everything from One Direction to My Chemical Romance, Elvis to Courtney Love. Fangirls have always had the ability to shift the …

SOUR As An Asian American

emilytreadgold #7, Editorial

I say this with as little boasting as possible – as a High School Musical franchise fanatic, I *personally* knew Olivia Rodrigo was always going to be a star. With the debut “driver’s license,” it was almost like she appeared out of nowhere, but after screaming “All I Want” for the last six months prior, I knew this was going …

Maggie Rogers Brings Us Back So We Can Move Forward

emilytreadgold #2, Concert Reviews

I’m not going to start this off by talking about the viral moment that launched Maggie Rogers music career. If you follow women in pop music, you have hopefully by this point experienced the alternate realm that Maggie creates with her captivating lyrics and stunning visuals. But what many people don’t realize is that artists are not just born during …

LEON’s New Album Apart Is Perfect For Isolation And Reflection

emilytreadgold #1, Reviews

LEON will always be synonymous with the same night as one of my worst breakups. I spent the day crying, then pushed myself out the door. It wasn’t the smartest decision given my mental state, but I stood there openly crying during all of LEON’s heartbreaking songs. Did everyone look at me like I was insane? 1000%, but it was …

LANY: mama’s boy Track-By-Track Review

emilytreadgold #4, Reviews, Uncategorized

I talk about this night a lot, but I first saw LANY in a room of under 100 people. I had heard about three of their songs before taking a chance to cover them, and it’s one of my top musical highlights. I remember being immersed in the room with fans of all walks of life and it was just …

folklore and feelings: fan messages to Taylor Swift

emilytreadgold #17, Editorial

The funny thing about listening to folklore is that when I heard it, I knew it would be an album full of regret and melancholy accompanied by waves of sadness. I’d like to think of this as Red, but evolved. I guess who Red grows up to be.  I say it with every era. I am adamant that Taylor writes …


emilytreadgold #1, Reviews

Nothing about KOPPS is ever delicate, and their new EP is filled with attitude. They’ve never shied away from hard topics, from consumerism to plastic surgery, there is no subject that they can’t turn into a dance-floor anthem. It’s tongue-in-cheek, but it’s also essential, I feel like even in the indie-pop level, artists often stick to more comfortable topics. That’s …

folklore: Track By Track

emilytreadgold #11, #3, Reviews

I don’t think I will ever forgive myself for drifting off to sleep for about forty-five minutes this morning. I woke up again to six tagged tweets, three missed phone calls and about ten text messages from friends wondering how I was coping. In case you were wondering, I was not well this morning. I was fully prepared to dive …

ESSY: Track-By-Track

emilytreadgold #5, Reviews

Essy dropped her EP, “Second Thoughts” over the weekend and it’s incredible. She says, “this EP is a compilation of feelings or moments in time where I felt like I was becoming second in my own life. It’s about learning to take feelings of insecurity and confusion and turn them into a silver lining.” She gave me a track by …

Chelsea Cutler Explains How To Be Human During Her Insightful And Visionary Tour

emilytreadgold #2, Concert Reviews

Words: Alex West Photos: Ali Fitzgerald The How to Be Human tour was just that: A display of life in and of its complexity and the flash of a common thread that connects each of us. Chelsea Cutler’s Terminal 5 show on February 29th, dominated the Saturday night vibes in New York City. Her show was the place to be …