Loren North Is Seeing Starlight

emilytreadgold #6, Features

The first thing that strikes me about Loren is her incredibly unique voice. Even speaking, she has the sweetest hint of a southern accent and her voice just sounds like honey. Loren grew up in Georgia, and in the southern tradition, she started out singing in a church choir. She started out wanting to do folk but when she started writing her sound evolved into something different, and it just felt right to her.

Austin City Limits 2016

emilytreadgold #6, Festivals

This year as I overcame my constant social anxiety and journeyed to ACL, I couldn’t help but feel….frustrated. I love a good festival, I really do. This year ACL’s lineup seemed highly done before. I’ve seen most of these bands a good 4 or 5 times this year (except you Radiohead). However, the weather was nice, I had applied 10 layers of sunblock and was ready to hit the crowds.

The Transformative Power Of Kitten

emilytreadgold #6, Features

Chloe Chaidez is whispering to me the entire time we talk, she needs to save her voice for the show. She whispers, “My dad was a musician, he was a drummer so he introduced me to a lot of great bands. I was a gymnast so we’d have these long drives to my gym and he’d play records and it was something I really gravitated towards.”

Explosions Of Magic With Strangers You Know

emilytreadgold #1, #6, Features

Strangers You Know had a packed tent at Coachella, they brought out an orchestra to help them perform their hit “Used”, and after they danced around the stage and crowd-surfed, Adam looked at the audience and said “This has been a dream to be here, we don’t even know what to say,” and he meant it. Adam and Grady met at Coachella years earlier.

How To Deal With Festival FOMO

emilytreadgold #6, Festivals

Festival season has begun and if you’re like me, you are internally (and externally) crying over all of the cool and fun music-centric extravaganzas you are going to be missing. Whether it’s work, school, low funds in your bank account, not being old enough to attend or adult-ing NOTHING changes the fact that you are and will be missing out on your wildest dreams. As a girl who had to forgo South By Southwest this year for the first time since I was sixteen due to being a full-time working adult, I feel your pain.* We can navigate this together.

Why EDM Will Define This Generation

emilytreadgold #6, Editorial

EDM is not new, techno and house music has been around for a long time. The past years have seen a rise in this new culture of dance music with the growing popularity of Skrillex, Deadmau5, Avicii, Swedish House Mafia, and the list goes on. It doesn’t stop at the warehouse either, EDM has infiltrated the Top 40 radio. It’s increasing popularity and cult-like following have made it a new musical phenomenon.

How KONGOS Got Their Unique Sound

emilytreadgold #6, Features

We’d be willing to bet that KONGOS have been stuck in your head at some point recently. Their breakthrough hit “Come With Me Now” has been on the radio, ESPN promos, and commercials. The song is known for its gritty vocals, crazy beat, and accordion hooks. It’s impossibly catchy.

The South African group is made up of four brothers: Dylan, Daniel, Jesse, and Johnny Kongos. Now based in Phoenix, the band achieved success in their native country before releasing their second album, Lunatic in 2013.
Their first headlining tour kicked off in Dallas recently and we managed to catch their show and sat down with Daniel Kongos.